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Historical Weather Data
Nick Olson avatar
Written by Nick Olson
Updated over 2 months ago

Historical Weather Data - Get the monthly weather averages for any Location

You can get the average monthly weather statistics for any month of the year for any location in the world. Wind and Wave Roses, air temp, rainfall, cloud cover, thunderstorms and highest gust are all covered.

  • On the Main menu tap on Local Knowledge.

  • Tap on any activity Icon on the map in the area you want to see Historical Weather data for.

  • Tap on View Details

  • Scroll down to see the Historical Weather (for the current month)

  • To see any month tap on “View Historical Weather” here you will see the average historical weather for all 12 months.

  • Tap on the relevant wind rose Icon to see details of wind or wave data for a chosen month, you can tap to previous or next months.

If there is no Local Knowledge location set in your area, you will need to set one to get Climate Data, the Climate data takes 24 hours to generate for a new location.

  • On the Main menu tap on Local Knowledge.

  • To add a location tap on the + icon

  • Choose a category

  • Select location type

  • Drag the map to the location

  • Confirm the location

  • Add the location details and any images or videos, give the location a rating and other details.

  • Tap save to continue (it will take up to 24 hours to generate the climate data for the new location)

The Historical Weather data includes data between the hours 0900 to 1800 for a given location for all climate averages except “precipitation monthly avg” and “max gust for the month”. Those two are 24h a day.

Historical Weather data is sourced from the ECMWF ERA5 dataset and is available on a 25km resolution grid, so any two locations that are less than 25km's apart are likely to have the same historical weather data. Our wind and wave roses show data from the last 10 years.

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