The Weather Routing and Departure Planning will always use the highest resolution data (1km,8km) available.
As the Weather Routing or Departure Planning is calculated on the PredictWind server, it is not dependent on what GRIB files you have downloaded, making the Weather Routing file size small, typically 15-25Kb. The GRIB files or Maps are only used to visualize the routing giving you a general synoptic overview, meaning the high-resolution GRIBs are not essential over a satellite connection.
If you notice a difference between the weather routing/departure planning tables data or cursor pop-up versus the GRIB/Map overlay, this is most likely because you are reviewing 50km or 100km resolution GRIB/Maps while the tables/pop-up are reporting the high-resolution (1km/8km) data.
If in doubt, put more weight on the weather routing tables or weather routing cursor pop-up. Since they are using the highest resolution data available and therefore are more accurate.