Using the Offshore App on a Windows 10/11 computer or a Mac computer you can access Ocean Current models, Sea Surface Temperature and High Resolution Tidal Current data exclusive to PredictWind.
Must watch video below:
In the Offshore App, Professional version users have access to the best ocean data in the form of Sea Surface temperature (SST),Ocean Currents and High Resolution Tidal currents.
Move your green start waypoint and red destination waypoint to your desired locations, the same as for the other tools. This will automatically select an area around your route to get the data. Or you can click and drag the corners of the white box to set your own download area.
Then click Download.
At the bottom of the download settings box select Ocean Data to be on in the tick box.
For SST you can select 1km resolution for smaller areas or 4km resolution to cover a larger area. The SST data can be used to validate which ocean current forecast is showing the most accurate data.
Next you can select from the 3 different Ocean Current models and the Tidal Currents models.
Now continue to download. Press "Next". In the next box select your Weather Routing to download as this can overlay on the current and SST Map.
Press "Next".
Then "Download All". The GRIB files will be too large for low bandwidth satellite & SSB (HF) connections. However the Weather Routing results will contain the current data for the route using your selected Ocean Current model and High Resolution Tidal Current data where available. The Weather Routing will use favorable current and avoid adverse current where possible.
Once downloaded you will see the Weather Routing Tables, you can view these or go to the “Map” to start viewing the Ocean Data.
From the main menu click on "Ocean Currents", you will see the Ocean Currents or High Resolution tidal data displayed with your weather routing. Zoom to your desired level and then press play. On the animation control you can control the animation speed with the control toggle on the bottom right. You can pause and rewind or skip the animation with these controls. Alternatively, drag the time slider at your desired time. The boats will move along the route in time with the animation of the Ocean data.
We can also select the different models by clicking on the model menu. Next we can validate the model data by comparing it to the SST. Click on Sea Temp. You can compare the temperature differences in relation to current flows. The currents model that most closely matches the SST data is the most accurate currents model for this forecast run. The SST does not animate, as it is an observation not a forecast, it uses the latest available data.
If you wish to view the Ocean Currents and SST without the weather routing overlaid, click on the Show Route button, to remove the route and view just the Current / SST data.
For further information on our High Resolution Tidal Current Data exclusive to PredictWind, please click here