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DataHub List of NMEA2000 data broadcast as NMEA0183 over Wi-Fi and LAN
DataHub List of NMEA2000 data broadcast as NMEA0183 over Wi-Fi and LAN

List of NMEA2000 data converted to NMEA0183 and broadcast by the DataHub over Wi-Fi and LAN for navigation apps and remote monitoring

Matt Crockett avatar
Written by Matt Crockett
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The DataHub converts NMEA2000 (N2K) data for many of your boat's instruments into NMEA0183 and broadcasts this via DataHub Wi-Fi and Ethernet LAN over TCP and UDP. This allows you to share a variety of your boat's N2K data with navigation apps such as Navionics, Aquamaps or OpenCPN on your laptop, tablet or mobile

To receive this data feed into your Navigation App, see this article: DataHub connecting by Wi-Fi to Navionics, Aquamaps or OpenCPN to receive NMEA data

The DataHub also supports sharing your N2K data as an NMEA0183 stream over the Internet via TCP to remotely view and monitor your vessel. To learn more about sharing N2K data over the Internet via the DataHub, see: DataHub how to share NMEA data over the Internet

List of DataHub N2K data sentences converted to NMEA0183 and shared over Wi-Fi and Ethernet

N2K data sentences the DataHub converts to NMEA0183 and broadcast over Wi-Fi and LAN include:

1. Log and Trip Log - PGN 128275

  • VLW: NMEA0183SetVLW(NMEA0183Msg, Log, TripLog)

2. Water Temperature - PGN 130310

  • MTW (Water Temp) : NMEA0183SetMTW(NMEA0183Msg, WaterTemperature)

  • XDR (Water Temp) : NMEA0183SetWaterTempXDR(NMEA0183Msg, Temperature)

3. Atmospheric Pressure - PGN 130311

  • XDR (Pressure) : NMEA0183SetPressureXDR(NMEA0183Msg, AtmosphericPressure)

4. Pitch and Roll - PGN 127257

  • XDR (Pitch & Roll): NMEA0183SetPitchRollXDR(NMEA0183Msg, Pitch, Roll)

5. Cross Track Error - PGN 129283

  • XTE: NMEA0183SetXTE(NMEA0183Msg, XTE)

6. Rate of Turn - PGN 127251

  • ROT: NMEA0183SetROT(NMEA0183Msg, RateOfTurn)

7. Rudder Position - PGN 127245

  • RSA: NMEA0183SetRSA(NMEA0183Msg, RudderPosition)

8. Heading Data - PGN 127250

  • HDG : NMEA0183SetHDG(NMEA0183Msg, Heading, Deviation, Variation)

  • HDG (Magnetic) : NMEA0183SetHDG(NMEA0183Msg, MagneticHeading, Deviation, Variation)

  • HDM (Magnetic): NMEA0183SetHDM(NMEA0183Msg, MagneticHeading)

  • HDT (True) : NMEA0183SetHDT(NMEA0183Msg, Heading)

9. Speed and Heading (Water-Referenced) - PGN 128259

  • VHW: NMEA0183SetVHW(NMEA0183Msg, Heading, MagneticHeading, WaterReferenced)

10. Speed Data - PGN 128259

  • VBW: NMEA0183SetVBW(NMEA0183Msg, WaterReferenced, NMEA0183DoubleNA, GroundReferenced, NMEA0183DoubleNA, NMEA0183DoubleNA, NMEA0183DoubleNA)

11. Time and Date - PGN 126992

  • ZDA : NMEA0183SetZDA(NMEA0183Msg, utc, 0)

  • RMC (PGN 126992): NMEA0183SetRMC(NMEA0183Msg, SecondsSinceMidnight, Latitude, Longitude, COG, SOG, DaysSince1970, Variation)

12. Geographic Position - PGN 129025

  • GLL: NMEA0183SetGLL(NMEA0183Msg, SecondsSinceMidnight, Latitude, Longitude)

13. Course and Speed Over Ground - PGN 129026

  • VTG: NMEA0183SetVTG(NMEA0183Msg, COG, MCOG, SOG)

14. GPS Fix Data - PGN 129029

  • GGA: NMEA0183SetGGA(NMEA0183Msg, SecondsSinceMidnight, Latitude, Longitude, 1, nSatellites, HDOP, Altitude, GeoidalSeparation, AgeOfCorrection, ReferenceStationID)

15. Wind Data - PGN 130306

  • MWV: NMEA0183SetMWV(NMEA0183Msg, WindAngle, NMEA0183Reference, WindSpeed)

  • MWD (True & Magnetic): NMEA0183SetMWD(NMEA0183Msg, trueWindAngle, magWindAngle, WindSpeed)

16. Depth Data - PGN 128267

  • DPT: NMEA0183SetDPT(NMEA0183Msg, DepthBelowTransducer, DepthOffset)

  • DBx: NMEA0183SetDBx(NMEA0183Msg, DepthBelowTransducer, DepthOffset)

17. Recommended Minimum Navigation Data - PGN 126992

  • RMC: NMEA0183SetRMC(NMEA0183Msg, SecondsSinceMidnight, Latitude, Longitude, COG, SOG, DaysSince1970, Variation)

18. AIS (Automatic Identification System) Messages - Multiple PGNs

  • VDM: AIS Class A Position Report - PGN 129038: ISClassABMessage1

  • VDM: AIS Class A Static and Voyage Data - PGN 129039: AISClassAMessage5

  • VDM: AIS Class B Position Report - PGN 129039: AISClassBMessage18

  • VDM: AIS Class B Static Data (Part A) - PGN 129809: AISClassBMessage24PartA

  • VDM: AIS Class B Static Data (Part B) - PGN 129810: AISClassBMessage24

  • VDM: AIS Safety-Related Broadcast Message - PGN 129041: AISClassBMessage24

DataHub Autopilot - NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 conversion

The DataHub also supports basic routing functionality for autopilots connected to the DataHub via N2K; it does this by supporting the receipt of NMEA0183 messages, calculation and sending of NMEA2000 messages PGN 129283, 129284, and 129285.

The DataHub Autopilot feature allows you to connect Navigation Apps such as AquaMaps and OpenCPN to convert these NMEA0183 messages when sent:

  • Cross Track Error - XTE gets converted to PGN 129283

  • Navigation and Route Data - APB/RMB gets converted to PGN 129284/129285

To learn more about DataHub Autopilot support, please see: DataHub how to use the Autopilot feature

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