Imagine being able to sit at home monitoring and steering your boat remotely. Well, now, you can! It's amazing but also, perhaps, a bit scary. Remote access to your DataHub NMEA feed can be enabled. To do this:
Log in to the DataHub.
Click on Remote Support.
Click on the top menu Port Forwards.
Click Add.
Set the following: Name - NMEA, address: localhost, Port 11102
Click Save and Apply.
It should look like this:
Note: Remote Support can only stream NMEA0183 via TCP. UDP is not supported.
Then, return to the Remote Access top menu. Click to Enable Remote Support, and you'll see a URL for remote access; at the bottom will be an extra port like this (25623):
You can then add the URL as the address and port number to a program such as OpenCPN, and it will start receiving the NMEA feed streaming, provided the DataHub has an Internet connection available.
If you cannot add the URL, please use the IP:
If you already had Remote Support enabled and do not see the new port, please click Restart Tunnels, and it will appear.
Important Note: This data connection is two-way and has no security authentication. If you send Auto Pilot instructions back into your boat's NMEA network, it can drive the onboard Auto Pilot. Please be careful sharing this link!