To view a forecast on the website you must set up a forecast location.
To add a new Forecast Location please:
Select your existing Forecast Location on the top menu bar
Click on "Add New location"
Select the Search Bar
Options will appear :
1)Search for a location
2)Use your current location
3) Set location on map
4) Input GPS coordinates manually
Drag the marker to your desired forecast location.
Click on "save forecast location"
Name your unique forecast location
Click on Save
Wait while we save the location and generate the forecast
To see a Coverage Map of the PredictWind 1km resolution forecasts please see:
Note: If a location is close to, or on land, there maybe be significant land effects on the forecasts. For example in an offshore breeze, the forecast may appear to be lower than the observations. So where possible you should select a marine location.
Note: If you are doing a long coastal, or offshore passage the best tool is the weather routing. There is no need to set up multiple forecast locations along your route. The weather routing will show you the optimal route for the passage, and the weather for your exact location along the route.