Tables are available for everyone in the PredictCurrent App.
To view the Wind in tables, select Location at the top of the page.
(PredictCurrent Pro subscribers can save up to 20 locations. Free Users can only save one location.)
The Wind shown in Tables is your forecast location's highest available resolution forecast data. The data utilises global models: PWG, PWE, GFS, ECMWF, SPIRE and UKMO and regional High-Resolution models where available: PWG & PWE (1km/8km), Arome (1.3km), NAM (12km) and HRRR (3km).
The tables below provide a detailed breakdown of the forecast resolutions available for each model.
In Tables, the first 24 hours show an hourly forecast generated by the 1km resolution model and will be more accurate due to the higher resolution. Days 2-7 show an hourly forecast from the 8km resolution model.
Wind direction can be displayed as an arrow, number (degrees), or cardinal (NE, W, etc.) format. To change the units, on the Tables page, tap the Settings cog in the top right corner, then tap Directions.
Global Models
Model | Resolution | Duration |
PWG | 50km | 10 days |
PWE | 50km | 10 days |
ECMWF | 9km | 10 days |
GFS | 25km | 10 days |
SPIRE | 25km | 7 days |
UKMO | 15km | 7 days |