Each forecast (PWG, PWE, GFS, SPIRE, UKMO & ECMWF) is updated twice a day, every 12 hours.
The schedule for each forecast is as below: The forecast may be 30 mins earlier for some high-resolution locations. The times below are given in local time for GMT. Please add one hour if on daylight savings time (summer time).
The next forecast update time is displayed on the PredictWind Website and PredictWind App. Details can be viewed in real-time and are written below the forecast location name.
High-Resolution Forecast Models – HRRR, NAM & AROME
HRRR updates every hour. 00, 06, 12, & 18z runs have a full-length forecast (48h), and the other runs are 18h. The forecast we have is assembled from the most recent run plus the last 30h from the prior full run. This means the cadence is not precisely 60 minutes, as the longer run comes out later. Updates at the same time every hour.
NAM updates every 12h 0300 and 1500 UTC
AROME updates every 12h 0420 & 1620 UTC
Global Atmospheric Models - PWG, PWE, GFS, SPIRE, UKMO & ECMWF
1km resolution PWG forecasts are updated at 04:55 GMT and 16:55 GMT
1km resolution PWE forecasts are updated at 07:10 GMT and 19:10 GMT
8km resolution PWG forecasts are updated at 04:15 GMT and 16:15 GMT
8km resolution PWE forecasts are updated at 06:30 GMT and 18:30 GMT
50km resolution PWG forecasts are updated at 03:55 GMT and 15:55 GMT
50km resolution PWE forecasts are updated at 06:10 GMT and 18:10 GMT
ECMWF forecasts are updated at 07:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT - 9km resolution.
Spire forecasts are updated at 11:40 GMT and 23:40 GMT - 27km resolution
UKMO forecasts are updated at 05:00 GMT and 17:00 GMT - 10km resolution.
GFS forecasts are updated at 04:40 GMT and 16:40 GMT - 27km resolution.
ECMWF Ensemble forecasts are updated Monday & Thursday at 20:30 GMT.
Wave Models
The 8km resolution ECMWF wave forecasts are updated at 07:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT.
Current Models
Mercator 8:45 GMT
Tidal Global 8:45 GMT
Sea Surface Temperature