If you are having trouble with the PredictWind App on your Android or Apple device please try the following:
Power the device off/on.
Uninstall the PredictWind App, and reinstall again.**
Upgrade to the latest phone operating system.
On your Android device, try clearing the cache.
Go to your Android device Settings > Apps > PredictWind App > Storage > Clear cacheOn your Android device, check you have the latest version of the Android System WebView. Head to setting on your Android, Apps > Android System WebView
Select > App details in store, if there is a new version install it from the Google Play Store.
If you have a VPN installed on your device, please disable it and try again. If disabling it does not make a difference, uninstall it completely and try again
Check to see if you have a security App on your phone, e.g. TrendMicro mobile security App. If so, you may need to allow the PredictWind App to load or disable App when launching the PredictWind App.
**Note minimum requirements are iOS 15.2 and Android 8 (Android 8 from new).