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Iridium GO! checklist

Iridium GO! check list - are you ready to leave port?

Jon Bilger avatar
Written by Jon Bilger
Updated today

Below is a list of things to check off your TO-DO list well before leaving port to ensure you have everything set up correctly.

  1. The Iridium GO! unit has the correct power source and is charging correctly.

  2. The Iridium GO! SIM card is activated, and you know your Iridium phone number.

  3. Check the Iridium GO! unit can receive a good signal in its 'ON' position, whether that be on deck, in a securely mounted plastic box or held in place for transmissions. testing this needs to be done at sea, at least 1 NM from shore, to ensure you replicate the offshore situation. Testing in harbours and marinas may not give good signal strength.

  4. Make a successful voice call

  5. Download GRIBs and Weather Routing via the Offshore App with Iridium GO!

  6. Check SOS/ IERCC setup is correct.

  7. Set up your overage alerts on the Satellite Portal to ensure you don't suffer bill shock and large overages.

  8. PredictMail setup and tested on GO!

  9. DataHub Firewall connection to save data - combining PredictMail/GPS Tracking.

  10. Contact the PredictWind Support offshore on email or Whatsapp number +1 209 9894960 Please use the QR code below to setup the PredictWind Whatsapp support number

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