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GO exec billing and how to change plans

How GO! exec billing works and how to change plans

Matt Crockett avatar
Written by Matt Crockett
Updated in the last 15 minutes

For PredictWind GO exec plans the billing cycle for the Iridium Go! exec is from the 17th of the month 00:00 GMT to the 16th of the following month at 23:59 GMT.

The plan auto-renews every month until you log in to the Satellite Portal and cancel it.

GO exec plans can be viewed on the PredictWind website.

The last day to cancel to avoid being billed for another month is the 16th of the month. Cancellation immediately deactivates your connection as soon as you click on the Cancel link. This will cut your device off the Iridium network, so it is important to be completely sure you wish to disconnect.

You will not receive a refund or credit for any unused remaining portion of the month.

Getting started in the first month

Your pro-rated voice and data allowance

The plan cost and allowances allocated in your first month are pro-rated based on your activation date. This means your first invoice is usually only for a part month and you will not be billed for the full monthly plan. Accordingly, a pro-rated number of voice minutes and data mb will be available for you to use before you incur any overage charges.

Important Note: The billing cycle for the Iridium Go! exec is from the 17th of the month 00:00 GMT to the 16th of the following month at 23:59 GMT.

Please see the table below for examples of how the pro-rated allowances would apply if you activated the SIM card on the GO! exec 250MB plan in June.

June Activation Date

Next Billing Cycle Start

Voice Mins

Data mb


16th June




16th June




16th July




16th July



How to change GO exec plan

To change your GO exec monthly plan, please log in to the Satellite Portal and click on Change Plan.

Billing best practices and important notes about changing GO exec plans

To ensure you receive the best value for your plan, we recommend you cancel or switch GO exec plans immediately on or before the 16th of the month.

  • Go exec monthly plans can be changed at any time except during the pro-rated first month. After the initial billing cycle, you can change at any time.

  • You may only change the plan once per billing month.

  • When you switch plans, the change is effective immediately. You will lose any existing airtime or data credit remaining in your account.

  • A part-month charge will be applied for the new plan, with airtime and data prorated based on the number of days left in the month until the 17th, as per the example table above.

  • You will be charged any overages that are due on the existing plan at the end of the monthly billing cycle.

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