PredictMail FAQ

PredictMail Frequently Asked Questions

Matt Crockett avatar
Written by Matt Crockett
Updated over a week ago

What platforms can use PredictMail?

PredictMail can be used by any compatible iOS, Android, Mac or Windows device. Setup guides are available for major email apps on each platform, and a generic guide for any other email client, e.g. Thunderbird.

Is PredictMail included in my PredictWind Forecast subscription, Iridium Airtime or free with the DataHub?

No. PredictMail requires its own separate subscription. Please click here to read more about PredictMail and subscription pricing, or click here to buy PredictMail.

Do I need a DataHub to use PredictMail?

No. PredictMail will work on your phone or laptop via a direct Internet connection through cellular data or Wi-Fi. If you wish to use PredictMail via the GO! or GO exec, you need a DataHub.

Can I access PredictMail without a satellite connection?

Yes. PredictMail will work on your phone or laptop via a direct Internet connection through cellular data or Wi-Fi.

How many PredictMail addresses do I get?

Each PredictMail subscription includes one unique PredictMail address. If you wish to have more PredictMail addresses, these can be purchased with an additional subscription.

Is PredictMail private or shared by all crew on the boat?

This is up to you and whether you permit everyone to access the account. If you need to set up private email for many crew members, please buy additional PredictMail subscriptions.

Can I keep my PredictMail address indefinitely?

Yes. If you continue maintaining the PredictMail subscription, you can keep your email address. PredictWind launched PredictMail in 2023 and has no plans to retire this service anytime soon.

Can I use my PredictMail address for multiple seasons but stop it in between?

You can buy PredictMail for three or twelve months and let it expire. This will end your PredictMail service. When you wish to use PredictMail again, please buy PredictMail again. If your email address has not been used by anyone else, you can reactivate it.

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