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PredictMail for Android (recommended)

Quickstart guide to PredictMail for Android

Matt Crockett avatar
Written by Matt Crockett
Updated today

PredictMail for Android

To make using PredictMail as simple and easy as possible for Android users, PredictMail has published an email client tailored for PredictMail with your Android device and the DataHub. We recommend using PredictMail for Android instead of Outlook or GMail as it is much easier to set up and use PredictMail with the DataHub and over cellular or Wi-Fi connections.

Before you start

  • Do you have a PredictMail account?

    If you do not have a PredictMail account, please set one up first in the Satellite Portal.

  • Connect to the Internet via your device's cellular data, home or another high-speed Wi-Fi, or a hot spot from another device. Disconnect from and do not use DataHub Wi-Fi during the PredictMail setup.

Please go to the Play Store and download the PredictMail for Android App, or scan the QR code below with your device's camera and open the URL:

Open PredictMail for Android and add your PredictMail Account

Upon launch, PredictMail for Android will present a short slideshow, which we recommend you read and tap Next to continue through.

  • After completing the slideshow, you will be asked to enter your PredictWind email address. You only need to enter the beginning of the address, up to the @ symbol, as the rest is pre-populated.

    Known issue: The wizard will not accept underscores _ or special characters. Please use a different email App or contact Support to change your PredictMail address if your email address has an _ in it e.g.

  • Please tap Next to continue.

  • Enter your PredictMail password, then tap the eye icon on the right-hand side to reveal it so you can check it is correct.

  • Please tap Next to continue twice.

    PredictMail for Android will now attempt to use your Internet connection and verify your settings.

  • After you verify your account settings, the Outgoing server settings page will display. Please tap Next to continue.

  • Please set your preferred email checking frequency and notification settings. The default settings are recommended. Then tap Next to continue.

  • PredictMail for Android will now attempt to use your Internet connection and verify your Outgoing server settings.

  • After verifying your Outgoing server settings, you will be asked to type in your name to display the From name for outgoing email and your Account Name. Press Done to finish the wizard.

  • PredictMail for Android will now check your email and download any waiting messages; please tap Allow when asked so PredictMail can access your contacts. Allowing this makes it easier for you to send emails to existing contacts in your Contacts list.

Congratulations! You have now set up PredictMail for Android.

If you have completed DataHub setup and Step 1 - Setup PredictMail on the DataHub, connect it to DataHub Wi-Fi to use PredictMail for Android with your DataHub.

Next Steps

If you have other devices you wish to use with PredictMail, please review How to set up PredictMail on iOS, Android, PC & Mac for more setup articles.


Change your PredictMail password

If you forgot your PredictMail password, you can reset it in the Satellite Portal. Click on your PredictMail Account, then click Change Password.

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